Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Type /: College/state
Year of establishment: 1971
Number of students: 8232
Promotions-/Habilitationsrecht: Yes / No
Country: Germany
Office address: Kalverbenden 6
52066 Aachen
Postal Address: Postfach 10 05 60
52005 Aachen
Phone: (0241) 6009-0
Fax: (0241) 6009-1090
Homepage: http://www.fh-aachen.de/
» Responsible Student Services / Student Office:
Location: Student Services
Stephanstraße 58-62
52064 Aachen
Phone: (0241) 6009-0
Fax: (0241) 6009-1614
Officers: Ingrid sheet
» Competent Student Counselling:
Location: Center for University Teaching and Student Counselling (HDBS)
Hohenstaufenallee 10
52064 Aachen
Phone: (0241) 6009-1801
Fax: (0241) 6009-1090
Officers: Dr. Michael Heger
» Responsible Academic International Office:
Location: International Office
PF 100560
52005 Aachen
Phone: (0241) 6009-1043
Fax: (0241) 6009-1089
Officers: Lex Thomas