
Before you leave : Making the decision

The reasons for the determination to leave a country are complex and vary from person to person.

However, we can identify three main factors that motivate output MeQuieroIr.com users: personal and social insecurity, unemployment, and no display of a promising future.

Remember also that the need to find a new home on the outside, is in many cases, a structural crisis (political or economic) in the country. The search for security and quality of life are, then, as the main motivations of migration.

For all this, we can say that human migration is a common and ever present throughout history. For economic, political, religious or simple improvement, have led these movements for centuries.

Chapter Migration provides interesting facts about it.
Although anyone with enough thrust or preparation can achieve success in another country, it is recommended to evaluate the reasons for the interest in leaving the country. Should be analyzed in depth the real opportunities that have to settle in a new country.

Black and white put the strengths and weaknesses is a good practice. Questioning what to improve professionally or economically, what you are willing to sacrifice and what things can not be left behind. The test for migrants , Do I really want to go?, facilitates reflection and helps find answers to crucial questions.

It is recommended to update the basic documentation required, regardless of the chosen country. The normal process of preparing everything for a move to another country takes at least 6 to 24 months, depending on various factors: whether it is a temporary or permanent stay, or the conditions set immigration each country.

You need to take the time to learn all you can about the preferred destination country. Compare and evaluate the descriptions offered here each country can make the best decision.

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