
Studies in the United States: Banks, Long distance calls

» Long distance calls

The telephone numbers in the U.S. are 10 digits: area code 3 digit area code and 3 digit code 4 digit subscriber.

You can make long distance calls through the operator (by dialing "0", which is free and can be accessed from any private or public phone no coins), but will cost. It is cheaper to call after 17 hours (saving 35%) or between 23 and 8 hours (60% savings). F or request information about phone numbers or area codes must discarse the "411".

» Banks

The first thing to be clear before going to look for a bank that work in the U.S. is what kind of operational needs, which are looking for.

Depending on your intended to give the entity, be advisable to opt for one or the other. However, as general advice and regardless of their particular circumstances, we recommend that you choose a company with a large ATM network to minimize the costs charged for cash withdrawals.

Make sure it is a federal entity and insured chooses not offshore entities that, while interest and can offer very desirable conditions are not regulated or protected so no guarantee the stability of their savings.

If you are able, we recommend that prioritizes entities of e-banking platforms, you can perform basic operations with your account and your credit and debit card fees and interest saving.
Bank Cards

Once you determine the type of bank and bank account need to suit your needs, you should evaluate the possession of a bank card. It is a more convenient and there are various kinds of bank cards designed to meet the different needs of customers.

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