
Study in Germany » Study guide » Engineering » Study Program in Food Technology

» What is food technology?

Your you interested in science, business administration and also have an interest in technology? Then you are exactly right with the specialist food technology. Because the study covers exactly these areas.
The exact sub-regions are: biotechnology, food microbiology, food analysis, food process engineering and process analysis, and meat technology, fermentation technology, food of plant origin and foods of animal origin.

» The study of food technology

The subject can be studied at universities, as well as at colleges. The standard period of study at the traditional nine to ten degrees, bachelor's degree in about seven semesters. Basically the drawer with the diploma and bachelor degrees (or master) can be studied. The content, however, differ somewhat from institution to institution. Thus, the focus of study in one city may lie with the natural sciences and engineering fundamentals and the exchange of food-specific material knowledge are in a different city in the foreground. Mostly true, however, that the basic studies mainly covers the fields of natural sciences and first engineering principles and that are provided to the Food Law in the main study, a deepening of knowledge and a shift to technical principles, nutritional and toxicological aspects of food and an introduction.

Frequently at universities mandatory internships are provided. These are usually completed in the main study. But it is also possible that in addition wished that before beginning an internship study was made. Here it is advisable to obtain early information.
Please note that the tray out food technology at all universities as an independent study course. It may happen that it is integrated into other subjects.

» The professional fields of study in Food Technology

Especially in the age of "gene foods" more and more specialists are needed who are familiar with food. Therefore, the job prospects for Lebensmitteltechnologinnen and technologists are currently very good.
Areas of employment are primarily in the food industry (both domestically and abroad) worked. In addition, they are used in research, in the processing and production of food and also in marketing. Its tasks include the production, development and planning.

Some graduates are employed in consumer advice, assistance in the development or in service. Manages to make you a very good degree, you can also work as a freelancer in the testing and counseling departments or get into the industry. There the fields of food industry, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, biotechnology, supply industry, animal feed industry, environmental or cosmetic industry offer.

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