
Study in Germany » Study guide » Mathematics

» What is mathematics?

Mathematics is a science that is pervasive and important in both the private and everyday as well as the professional area. It is one of the oldest sciences there at all. Laws of numbers and figures developed - through the mathematics are - generally speaking.

The subject can be divided into the pure and applied mathematics. Pure mathematics is like the more theoretical part of the subject. It deals with the structures and their internal relationships. Sub-areas of pure mathematics are, among others algebra, analysis, topology and geometry. Applied mathematics involved are applicable to other areas such as physics, chemistry or biology with the use of mathematics and its procedures. Sections are, for example, Numerical mathematics, financial mathematics, biomathematics and Stochastics.

Mathematics is a science that is reflected in pretty much all other sciences. Physics, chemistry, biology, economics and computer science strongly support their findings and approaches on mathematical formulas and structures. But subjects in which you relate to mathematics at first not expected to come without it hardly cope. Thus, the psychological research is based to a large extent on the use of mathematical and statistical methods.

» The study

At over 60 universities may be included in mathematics currently studying. This is on the one hand pure mathematics courses, but also courses focusing on a particular area. In this Zusammenhag be mentioned, for example, the study of Business Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. The standard period of study at most nine graduate and undergraduate six or seven semesters. While studying the different areas of mathematics are covered. At the beginning of the foundations of pure mathematics, algebra, geometry, calculus and probability theory are first treated.

With progressive studies will be discussed in depth on the various areas of pure and applied mathematics. Here, students will also have the opportunity to be a focus, ie to specialize in the areas that interest them most. Moreover, it is at least in the diploma course duty to prove a minor. This allows further specialization to be performed. If a student wants to go, for example, later in the computer science area, then it would be recommended to him to prove computer science as a minor.

A math student should of course be able to think analytically and are interested in working with formulas, structures and figures.

» The professional fields

In the past decade, the number has risen to mathematicians employed. The reason is that mathematicians come in more and more areas. They are used for example in the insurance, pharmaceutical research or market research organizations, ie where you do not expect at first. Mathematics can be described as a profession without professional image. That is to say that it is not only one, two or three applications are for mathematicians, but that they can be used in many ways.

Since the mathematics can be applied in so many areas, mathematicians should also think interdisciplinary work. If a mathematician is employed for example in the pharmaceutical industry, he has to face and be interested in it also with the professional field of drug manufacture. Therefore, it has proven quite helpful in your job search as if mathematicians can also detect non-mathematical knowledge in a compartment next to the mathematical knowledge.

Future jobs are primarily in the growing information and technology sector. Generally speaking, however, that mathematicians can work anywhere where problems from the fields of science, business or technology are to be analyzed and solved. Starting salaries of mathematicians are completely different. A guideline is, according to the 2005 study Kienbaum high potentials at approximately 38,000 € annual salary.

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