
Study in Germany » Study guide » Natural Sciences » Physics

» What is Physics?

Physics deals with it, to illuminate laws of nature, its elements and interactions. Object of study is the inanimate nature. This is in contrast to biology, with the plant and animal world - that of living nature - dealing. The difference between mathematics and physics can be described so that math does not refer to real objects and physics already. The approach of physicists is strongly guided by theory. It will be hired first observations of processes in nature. Based on these observations, models are established and then using mathematics, illustrate the observed events. Finally, these models allow to make predictions about these processes in nature.

The main sub-areas of physics are the mechanics, acoustics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, relativity and quantum mechanics. There are also a variety of interdisciplinary fields such as geophysics, astrophysics, biophysics, physics, environmental, business physics and physical chemistry.

» The study

Studying physics takes a Diploma or Master's Degree usually ten semesters. If a bachelor's degree is required, the expected six or seven semesters. In the first stage of study, students learn mostly about the physical fundamentals and get introductions to measurement and evaluation methods. In the second study (in a degree program following the bachelor's degree), a deepening of physical and mathematical knowledge takes place.

The students get the opportunity to make priorities and to demonstrate the increased areas of particular interest to them. Such areas may include, for example, geophysics, physics or engineering physics economy. The students visit during their studies in addition to lectures and practical training and exercises that go beyond the theoretical switching fabric, making the practical component of the course. To the subject matter in addition to physical skills are also foundations in chemistry and mathematics.

In the study, Demolition 2005 study published by the Higher Education Information System (HIS), it was determined that 30% of physics students cancel their studies early. This ratio is relatively high and certainly speaks that studying physics is very challenging.

» The professional fields

Physicists are predominantly employed in the industry. But you can also research at universities or private research institutions to go into the service sector, in health or in teaching. In industry, physicists can deal with the research, development and production of various areas, for example in the automotive industry, telecommunications, pharmaceutical and energy supply. Physicists are often in the service sector in the field of management consulting, employed by banks and insurance companies, or in the opinion of creatures. In hospitals or in medical technology they work, when they go into the healthcare sector. On the teaching side opportunities in schools, universities, colleges or in-company training offer to teach.

The job market for physicists is an analysis of the German Physical Society in the year 2005, according quite stable. The slump in the IT industry, which has driven the unemployment numbers of physicists in the air seems to be overcome. Salaries for Grads are, at 35000-45000 euros a year. How much a physicist actually earned depends on several factors.

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