
Universities in Germany - Practical guide with information on German Universities

Welcome to our section universities in Germany. Here you can find practical information concerning German universities and the information provided might be useful if you are looking for German university in the country to make both undergraduate, master or university exchange.

» Universities in Germany: frequently asked questions guide

We have organized this section by way of frequently asked questions and our intention is to try to cover some interesting and disturbing about German universities.

» The cost to study at a university in Germany? It is possible to study in Germany for free?

The vast majority of universities in Germany are public with a few exceptions and generally do not have to pay tuition fees. But they are completely free for six months German universities have to pay contributions that may be on the order of 200 ~ 250 €. These contributions are divided into:
• (1) contribution to the student union (institution providing services to students)
• (2) contribution to the ASTA (Association Committee or students) responsible for representing students
• (3) the latter is a contribution to the use of public transport, as a semester ticket. This allows you to use the local transport system and in some cases state coverage.

» Types of universities in Germany - what differences are there?

There are different types and we list below:

• Universität (University): It's the classic traditional college or university and understood this as establishment of higher education and research.
• Technische Universität (TU): The technical college is itself a university but technical approach. The strength of these universities are the engineering and natural sciences. It is easily identified under the prefix TU, eg TU-Berlin, TU-München, as an exception: RWTH-Achen
• Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences): English (University of Applied Sciences). It is a higher education institution or type of university with a focus on applied sciences. These universities offer only undergraduate and graduate studies usually shorter than a university itself and have no PhD holder the right for themselves. FH is abbreviated, eg FH-Hannover
• Specialized Universities: There are several universities in Germany specialized as medical universities (Medizinische Hochschule), music schools (Musikhochschule) or art (Kunsthochschule) among others. Universities are proper subjects but their spectrum is limited to a specific topic.

» Ranking of German Universities - What are the best universities in Germany?

Universities in Germany are financed by the state and in general most recognition enjoys excellent in terms of quality of study and research. But for lovers of the figures there are some top ranking with German universities. These studies indicate the strengths of each university in various areas:

• CHE University Ranking 2012/13: http://ranking.zeit.de/che2012/en

This ranking of German universities grouped by themes top universities according to several aspects. For full results need a free registration on the website, however the 2011 version can be accessed without registration

• CHE University Ranking 2011 : http://www.daad.de/deutschland/hochschulen/hochschulranking/06543.en.html

Available in English and German, no registration is required

There are also a list of elite universities: this group of universities chosen by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (German Research Foundation) form a cluster or group of universities under an initiative of Excellence and receive special funding for research.

• Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
• Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
• Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
• Technische Universität München
• Freie Universität Berlin
• Technische Universität Dresden
• RWTH Aachen
• Universität Konstanz
• Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
• Universität Bremen
• Universität Köln

In an earlier period (2007-2012) the following universities were doing part of this elite group:

• Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
• Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
• Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

German Universities Engineering - Where I can study engineering in Germany?

There are hundreds of universities in Germany that offer engineering programs are listed thousands of
different programs.

German Universities - Masters in English, what options are there?

There are to this day in the universities in Germany hundreds of graduate programs in the English language. The German education system has adopted the model of the Bologna Process in which line the European education systems. So in germany traditional Diplom is abolished and henceforth adopting the Bachelor and Master (MSc).

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