
14 study tips for exam preparation

The exam period is coming and suddenly everything else is more important than to start learning. The apartment is cleaned spotless, the windows polished to a shine and the kitchen could sometimes use a coat of paint again. Many students recognize themselves in this exclusionary strategy again. But unfortunately not all helps cleaning, because the exam period will come either way. Better to bite the bullet and prepare yourself adequately. To ensure that this really works, we have 14 study tips that will make your exam preparation for you.

» 14 study tips: How works the exam preparation!

1• Try to get as an overview! Before you start, you procure for an overview of the learning material. Go through all the documents again and you Create a list of all the topics you need to learn.

2• Create thee The easiest way to learn and structured to keep track of a learning plan is a learning plan.

3• Pick a suitable place of learning! Nothing is worse than to have too little space or to be constantly disturbed. Pick a place where you can spread out all your documents without having to look like hours until you have found the right book.

4• Sorg enough light! A workplace that has sufficient daylight is best for the eyes. Also a daylight lamp can be a wise investment if you learn more at night or it gets dark early in the evening.

5• Away with the disruptive! Mobile phone, Internet, radio and TV disturb the learning and should be turned off. Even if the hard initially, you will find that you can focus much better. The Internet is often essential for learning, but Facebook, Twitter, etc. should wait until the break.

6• Food and drink keep ready! INPUT FEED you in your workplace with drinks and a few snacks. So you do not have to constantly get up when you are thirsty and your brain gets in between a bit of sugar to work at full speed can. However, you should refrain on heavy foods that make you sluggish and tired.

7• Writing utensils ready to hold pens, highlighters, paper - everything you need, you should keep handy.

8• Keep learning material completely! Show in your learning plan, which subject area you work today and worry in advance to ensure that you have at hand all the necessary learning materials.

9• According to Read, Mark concatenate different learning methods, write out, underline - instead you opt for a method, it is helpful to combine different learning methods together. Which method works best for you, you can find out by looking your learning style bestimmst.

10• Repeat What good is sitting today, you may tomorrow bring for stuttering. Therefore repeat what they have learned again and again.

11• Let query you! A good exercise for the upcoming test is to let you query from another person. In this situation, you realize that you've still gaps, and what sits right. In addition, you learn so that they have learned to their own words. Especially for oral presentations , this is very helpful.

12• Form a study group! Interaction with peers is important as it helps you learn. In a study group can share their questions, discuss topics and you give each other tips. A learning group but more should be added, as the only way of exam preparation.

13• Allow yourself a break! Breaks are important. Trained per hour you should go take a little time out of 10 minutes. Close your eyes for a moment, the window open and let fresh air in or stretch yourself for a moment on the bed. No matter what you do in that time, it should relax.

14• Reward yourself! You were busy today and have earned a reward. Whether it's your favorite show on TV or a new t-shirt you will leave yourself here

These tips should help you learn it, you best prepare for your exams. Of course, everyone learns differently. Some may work better with a slight background noise, others learn it better under pressure. Find out which of our learning tips work best with you and lead you to success. We wish you much success!

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