
The 10 most important Tips to get a Scholarship

To find a scholarship is easier than many people think. What you should look for in your particular application, so you have secured financing your study soon, have a look at our Top 10 Tips for your scholarship application.

» Tips for scholarship application

1- Start as early as possible in the search

The earlier you start with your research, the sooner you can get a promotion and the faster you can focus yourself only on your studies. Many foundations have only one deadline per year. If you have just missed this, you have to wait another year until you may apply there.

2- Search scholarship databases for matching grants

Instead of costly and time-consuming research on the internet you should look into scholarship databases for funding opportunities. There scholarships are filtered by application requirements, so you might save you the review of numerous scholarships sites that do not fit your profile.

3- Apply now for scholarships that match your profile

Instead of indiscriminately send your resumes to the most famous and prestigious foundations, you should prioritize your applications with your personal profile to the compliance of the foundation profile. For there you have the best chances.

Do not be shy to send many resumes. Because, if successful, the effort was worth it.

Especially for smaller, unknown foundations are the best opportunities to get a scholarship. Some foundations even complaining about the fact that they do not have enough candidates to fulfill their displacement.

4- Do not miss a deadline

The biggest faux pas, just in endowments, is a late application sent. In general, you will be excluded from the application round. Since many foundations have only one deadline per year, this means for you that you must send your application again next year.

What a shame it would be if the foundation matches your profile strong individual profile and you do not get the scholarship only reason, because you missed the deadline?

5- Personalize your application documents

Few selection committees estimate mass applications. Therefore, you should absolutely avoid, and to send the same resume to as many foundations.

The personalization of your application documents need not be expensive. In any case, you should find the right person, can justify why you are applying yourself in this special foundation and provide those features in the foreground, which are of particular relevance for the Foundation. Tips for the individual components of your application and templates that facilitate you work, you can find in our "How to advertise."

6- Avoid errors in the application
A sloppy

application created equal leaves a bad first impression. Read therefore absolutely your application correction before sending them to you. In particular spelling and clerical leave many auditors conclude that the applicants of receipt of a scholarship may not be so important.

Many foundations also specify a particular order for the classification of documents. You should definitely follow this. Likewise, information on paper and format. So when a foundation specifically requests all application documents on A4 paper, you should not attach sheets in A5.

7- Send only complete application documents

Also common mistake when applying for a scholarship is sending an incomplete application documents. Many foundations reject incomplete applications from all.

8- Google your name to ensure that searchers have a professional impression of you

Make sure your Facebook profile contains only information that can see also a scholarship provider. Likewise, you should not provide information on other places on the Internet about you that are a hindrance to your scholarship application. Google therefore again your first and last name, to see if your profile on the internet actually leaves a professional impression and possibly remove unwanted posts.

9- Use a pleasant, professional photo
The first

impression counts. Just the Photo application often causes strong associations with accountants. Add your application, therefore, even if not explicitly require a sympathetic and professional photo application for.

10- See annoying of requests for your application from

Many foundations do not send acknowledgments of receipt. Often pass 3-6 months before you hear back from the foundation. Many foundations explicitly write on their website that applicants should refrain from inquiries. Option you should also keep in mind then you.

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