
How to Write Application : The Cover Letter

Each application requires a cover letter, even if it is not explicitly required by the Foundation. To write a professional cover letter, however, is not trivial. We tell you what examiners look for.
What letter in the letter for the scholarship application?
» THE letter is the crucial start of the application. Here, the auditor already formed an impression of you and it is important to create a positive impression possible.
» The form: Not more than one page
The first ironclad rule for a cover letter is that it must gain attention and therefore has to be short and concise and should not exceed one page. For the selection committees of foundations and funding agencies have usually very little time for the individual application. The first impression is therefore formed in the first minutes. A scarce but informative cover letter grabs the attention of a few features, and keeps them in memory. It can leave the first positive impression. A long letter to the blurring accents and gives the impression that the candidate is not able to concentrate on the essentials.
The cover letter or letter of motivation should be designed as a letter to the sender, addressee, Location, date, subject line and signature. The handwritten signature You should not forget to distinguish your application from a bulk mailing. The fonts Times New Roman and Arial font size 12 left a serious impression in most cases. Colorful graphics, photos, creases and stains on the paper give a sloppy impression. Print on high quality white paper adds to the cost, but also the chance of success because it keeps your application for professional, serious and reputable.
The information about the sender and addressees should include all relevant contact information, ie name, address, telephone, fax and mobile number if applicable and email address, the addressee's name of the sponsoring institution.
For the conclusion of the letter, we recommend "Sincerely" and subsequent signature. Encouraging alternatives such as "Sincerely" or "Regards" are felt by all examiners as equally tasty, possibly by some as pandering. It is a formal letter and not a letter to an old friend.
» The Building: A cover letter must be clearly structured
The cover letter should always be with the words "Dear Sir (s) Mr/Mrs Smith" begin. It is important to address as the addressee directly. Thus, the application is the same much more personal. The general form "Ladies and Gentlemen" You should largely abandon and only make use of or when the contacts are not known. You should also be careful not to forget the name and to write correctly the title of the contact person. Error violate vain auditors, and Schludrigkeiten in the first set equal to leave a bad first impression. When multiple contacts you should list them all, with the highest ranking should be called first.
A good cover letter is divided into four paragraphs. In the first paragraph you name your concerns, so applying for a specific scholarship, and then You ask yourself briefly. Here you should mention your field of study and the institution where you study, and the one or the other feature of your resume, this could be for the Foundation and the advertised exact scholarship of particular relevance.
In the second paragraph you should explain why you just goes particularly well with this foundation. So if you you are applying, for example, at a Foundation for a scholarship, the great emphasis on community involvement, then you can explain how did you have committed here.
The third paragraph is used to explain why you are applying you just for this scholarship and not for another. Here you can explain the role that values ​​play in your life, the Foundation if the Foundation sets of values ​​specific to a particular value, for example. In addition, many foundations also offer moral support. An explanation of why these moral support for you is of great interest, can provide the motivation letter a personal touch.
The last paragraph is looking forward to the comment that you're always at your disposal for further information and I, when the application has aroused interest.
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