
Masters In Water And Energy DAAD

Request teachers to Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (incl. Climate Change) (PAUWES) ,in Tlemcen, Algerien

DAAD since 2013 in joint cooperation with - (GIZ) and KfW Entwicklungsbank are supporting the development of the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences 
(Incl. Climate Change) (PAUWES) Abou Bakr Belkaïd Universität in Tlemcen, Algerien.

The PAUWES-Institute is one of the five Regional Institutes of Panafrikanischen Universität (PAU). In which topics on Water, Renewable Energy and Climate change are developed.

By September 2014, the opening of two masters in water and energy projects.

Under the PAWES Lectures on the project, the DAAD has engaged in the search and selection of teachers.

The teaching areas are: Water, Climate Change and short projects enProject Design&Management, Academic Writing African History.

Call: Open until 15. From March 2014


Panafrikanische Universität ( PAU ) African Union Commission ( AUC )

International financing:

Algerien: PAUWES: "Water and Energy Sciences, including Climate Change" (Abou Bakr Belkaïd University of Tlemcen) LTP: Deutschland
Kenya: PAUSTI: "Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation" (Jomo Kenyatta 
University of Agriculture and Technology) LTP: Japan
Nigeria: PAULESI: "Life and Earth Sciences, including Health and Agriculture" 
(University of Ibadan) LTP: Indien
Kamerun: PAU-GHSS: "Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences" (University of Yaoundé II) LTP: Schweden
Südafrika: "Space Sciences" (Standort und noch benannt werden müssen LTP)
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